This was probably the easiest post to write and the hardest post to publish. I’m a positive person and I hate to complain, especially about being gluten free. In fact, you’ll find that the Gluten Free blogging community is over-run with very positive people. It could be because we all feel so much better now. It could be because we don’t want to discourage our readers. We all really want people to be successful at being gluten free, it’s possible and can even be easy. But a week ago I joined Reddit. People on Reddit are remarkably honest about their gluten free experience. And some, even though they feel better, are very unhappy about being gluten free.
Top 10 Worst Things About Being Gluten Free
10- not being able to grab a quick snack when you’re out
9- mandatory (family/work) dinners at non-gluten friendly restaurants
8- having to read every label in the grocery store and then having to throw out something because you didn’t read the label carefully enough
7- making everything from scratch
6- driving past the Hot Now sign at Krispy Kreme
5- getting accidentally glutened
4- people being surprised at how sick you are when you get accidentally glutened
3- having to do hours of research every time you want to eat at a new restaurant
2- pretending you’re not really hungry anyway
1- being “that girl” (that whiny, fussy, absurdly needy girl) at the dinner party
Please feel free to share your own challenges in the comments. We’re all in this together! Is your number one the same as mine? Did I miss one? Any tips for others struggling?
I’m linking up with Vegetarian Mamma’s Gluten Free Fridays, an awesome gluten free resource, lots of other gluten free recipes and tips so make sure you check it out. If you’re another blogger visiting from Gluten Free Fridays, let me know so I don’t miss your post! 🙂
Thanks for visiting! I’d love to connect!