grilled chicken and vegetables - gluten free, grain free, from know

Grilled Chicken and Vegetables – Gluten Free, Grain Free

Grilled chicken and vegetables is one of our favorite dinners. It’s fast and easy to prepare, you can stand outside in the sunshine when you cook it, there’s no huge mess in the kitchen to clean up, and it tastes great! I make extra so we can enjoy the leftovers for lunch in a Chicken and vegetable stir fry with cilantro cheese salsa. Our family eats about 1/2 a chicken breast at dinner each. If you have bigger or smaller appetites, feel free to adjust the amounts in this recipe to fit your family or add another side like baked potatoes or a salad. Chicken and vegetables are both naturally gluten free, so no label reading needed here. Make sure you check your seasoning. I’m loving the Louisiana brand Cajun Seasoning, but if you like things a little less spicy (and this is too spicy for my 3 year old), go ahead and just use garlic salt or salt and pepper.

I find it’s easiest to grill vegetables if I cut them first. I cut zucchinis into four long wedges each and I seed the peppers and cut them in half across and lengthwise so I end up with four pieces for each pepper.

grilled chicken and vegetables - gluten free, grain free, from know

This is the first in our series, click to find more great recipes! 4 Simple Gluten Free Dinners and Elegant Leftover Lunches

Grilled chicken and vegetables


For each person eating:

  • 1 large boneless skinless chicken breast cut in two pieces
  • 1 medium sized zucchini
  • 1/2 bell pepper
  • Louisiana brand Cajun Seasoning or garlic salt (or your favorite gltuen free seasoning for chicken.)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt


  1. Pre-heat gas grill to 400.
  2. Sprinkle chicken with Cajun Seasoning or garlic salt, set aside.
  3. Cut zucchini in 4 long wedges each, pepper in quarters.
  4. Dip your fingers in the olive oil and rub on cut vegetables to lightly coat.
  5. Place chicken on lower grill and vegetables on the upper grill.
  6. Close grill and cook on medium-low until chicken is browned on the bottom and no longer pink on top.
  7. Flip and cook until the other side of the chicken is done.
  8. Remove chicken and wrap in foil or place in warm oven to keep warm.
  9. If the vegetables are not yet tender, move to the lower rack and cook, watching carefully, until they’re done. (The skin on the pepper may blacken a bit, that’s okay.)

Serve everyone half the portion you prepared for them. Set aside the rest and I’ll show you how to make an amazing lunch with them tomorrow.

This post is linked up with
Poor and Gluten Free’s Waste Not Want Not Wednesday
Domestic Diva’s Allergy Free Wednesday
Vegetarian Mamma’s Gluten Free Fridays

Hey Friend! I'm so glad you dropped by! I'm Jodi, I'm a wife, mom of four, homeschooler and world traveler. I've been gluten free for almost 20 years and I share tips and recipes especially for gluten free beginners on