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The Scary Mommy Thanksgiving Project – A little off topic

Hey friends! This is a little off topic from my regular gluten free recipes and advice, but because I have the nicest and most compassionate readers on the internet, I knew this would interest you.

Harmony blogs over at Modern Mommy Madness where she shares tales of parenting her three slightly wild kids. Honestly, she writes the kind of blog that I wish had been out there when my big kids were little. She’s real, and funny and doesn’t pretend to have all the answers. Did I mention she’s funny? If you are a mom, you need to check out her blog. If you have young kids, you’ll appreciate the support. If you have older kids, you’ll appreciate not needing the support any more.
harmony at modern mommy madness
This is Harmony from This is actually what she looks like in real life.
Anyway, she’s also a contributor over at Scary Mommy and now she’s part of the Scary Mommy Thanksgiving Project by being a contributing author to The Scary Mommy’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays. The Scary Mommy Thanksgiving Project is a fundraiser to make sure every Scary Mommy can give her kids a Thanksgiving dinner. Read more about this awesome project here or scroll down to the info sheet at the bottom of this post. There are links on this page to apply to be a recipient (applications close November 1st), to donate, and info for bloggers and businesses who want to help.
 Scary Mommy Guide to Surviving the Holidays
You can find out how to buy The Scary Mommy’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays, in which my friend Harmony is featured, here. A portion of the $2.99 price of the e-book will be donated to the Scary Mommy Thanksgiving Project. It will be delivered to your e-reader, tablet, phone or computer on November 17. Just in time to read while everyone else is watching football after dinner.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. You guys really are the best.
Now back to our regularly scheduled Gluten Free programming.
(A little disclaimer here, I’m in no way affiliated with Scary Mommy, other than being friends with Harmony and buying The Scary Mommy Guide to Surviving the Holidays for myself. I just think this is a really great project, and I think you should check out Harmony’s Blog Modern Mommy Madness, because it’s awesome.)


Hey Friend! I'm so glad you dropped by! I'm Jodi, I'm a wife, mom of four, homeschooler and world traveler. I've been gluten free for almost 20 years and I share tips and recipes especially for gluten free beginners on