The Problem: Okay, here’s the scenario: You want to try your hand at gluten free banana muffins. You buy bananas. Finally, enough time has passed that the bananas are the right mushiness to make muffins, but there’s only one banana left. How do you make gluten free banana muffins with…
Gluten Free Pecan Breakfast Cookies with Coconut Flour
Gluten free pecan breakfast cookies made with coconut flour are a healthy way to celebrate National Pecan Month!!
Gluten Free Triple Chocolate Muffins
I have a feeling that if we were to go back in time to the early 80’s and eat a muffin, we’d be disappointed. Are you old enough to remember disco era muffins? Let me set the stage. Picture Mom, slim, young and pretty, in her brown plaid, ruffle front…
Gluten Free Banana Pancakes with Bob’s Red Mill Brown Rice Flour
Breakfast can be a dilemma for a mom with a large family. Some days I just point everyone to the cereal cupboard, but most days, I want everyone to start the day with something healthy that will keep them going. (Especially on those busy days out when lunch is delayed……
Gluten Free Coconut Quinoa Porridge
My parents are coming to visit from Canada in two weeks!! We’re all very excited here; we haven’t seen them for six months. My mom is also gluten free, and she’s dairy free, and she’s one of those people who needs to eat breakfast every day. Living in Canada she…
Flourless Mock Bran Waffles
In my quest to make a waffle that I can use a substitute for flavorless toast, I discovered a mock bran muffin waffle. If the thing you miss most being gluten free is starting your day with the, um, unique flavor and texture of a bran muffin, you might enjoy…
Gluten Free Peanut Flour Waffles
I’ve been experimenting with flourless waffles trying to find an inexpensive, flavorless substitute for gluten free toast. I’ve tried peanut butter and almonds and cashews, but in Bangkok peanut butter and almonds and cashews are really expensive. Finally I realized that I could use peanuts the same way I’ve been…