Friday was another one of those crazy days. Holiday party the night before, woke up with the 3 year old (never good, no mom-coffee-alone time), ate sugar and grains and iodized salt the night before, and was way, way too irritable to be around all the people I’m required to…
Gluten Free Strawberries and Strawberry Cream with Bonus Homemade Strawberry Sauce Recipe
Strawberry season here in Louisiana is in April. Perfect for us this year. We bought a whole box of roadside stand strawberries for the girls sweet 16 party and dipped every single one in chocolate. Then we served just under half. (Because, you know, quality assurance testing and such). But…
Potato Starch Tortillas – Gluten Free, Perfect for Passover
These potato starch tortillas are naturally gluten free and perfect for Passover. Use them as crepes or wraps.
Gluten Free Bread Alternative – Brazilian Cheese Buns
I think everyone who goes gluten free begins a quest. The quest for the perfect bread. The perfect bread is our Holy Grail. We buy pre-packaged gluten free frozen bread, only to have it break apart in the toaster. We make gluten free biscuits from mixes and they’re dry, salty…
Gluten Free Poached Salmon
Every time I go to the grocery store, I get asked about my food. Partly because I live in a smaller town in the South and people just talk to you in the grocery store. Kinda nice. And partly because I buy food that most people here just don’t buy.…
Gluten Free Chicken and Broccoli Egg Bakes
Here’s a cooking “pro-tip”, if you make roast chicken, make broccoli too. Then tomorrow you can have broccoli and chicken egg bakes! Yum! These are fast to prepare, travel well and are tasty hot or cold. Almost the perfect lunch.
Gluten Free Roast Chicken with Apple and Sweet Onion Stuffing
The best part about a roast chicken? In my gluten eating days it was the stuffing. I especially liked the way it flavored the chicken with it’s salty, savory goodness. A roast chicken without stuffing seems a little bland, doesn’t it? Today I’m going to show you a way that…
Gluten Free Tilapia Lettuce Wraps with Green Apple Dressing
There are really only two meals that I specifically crave. Really crave. The lay awake in bed and think about lunch and then eat lunch for breakfast kind of crave. This is one of them.
Gluten Free Baked Tilapia on a Bed of Sweet Onions
Tilapia is a a naturally gluten free food, and is a perfect busy night supper. One of my favorites. Perfect for those "throw something in the oven, we need to eat and leave," nights. I like it best with a romaine salad. I keep a few leaves whole for tomorrow's…
Chicken and Vegetable Stir fry (or Salad) with Cilantro Cheese Salsa
I'm not sure when I figured out that being gluten free doesn't mean dry bread or rice cakes and peanut butter for lunch, but I'm sure glad I did! Today I'm having grilled chicken and vegetables "upcycled" into a stir fry or salad with an amazing cilantro cheese salsa.